Rolex launches concert series to support musicians affected by pandemic

Amongst the COVID-nineteen pandemic, the livelihoods of musicians worldwide have taken a meaning hit. With public gatherings curtailed in many countries, musical concerts, tours and festivals accept been ruled out, jeopardising the employment prospects of artists.

Swiss watchmaker Rolex is launching an initiative to support musicians and singers during this critical period. Since its founding, Rolex has been an ardent supporter of the arts and music scenes.

Starting from Aug 21 and continuing through to early September, 3 Rolex Perpetual Music concerts will have identify in Italy, Germany and France.

As a preamble to each of the concerts, three globe-renowned artists and Rolex Testimonees – Peruvian operatic tenor Juan Diego Florez, Mexican tenor Rolando Villazon and Bulgarian operatic soprano Sonya Yoncheva – volition perform the repertoire prepared with singers and musicians. They will accept it in plough to perform solo or in various ensembles.

French violinist Renaud Capucon, who participated in the organising of this initiative, will besides join the proceedings in Paris.

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The concert schedule begins on Aug 21 at the Teatro Rossini in Pesaro, Italy, with Juan Diego Florez performing alongside an orchestra. On Sep 1, Sonya Yoncheva will perform in a recital programme at the Berlin Staatsoper. On Sep 3, Rolando Villazon and Renaud Capucon will have to the stage at the Opera national de Paris, featuring a repertoire of baroque and bedroom music.

Sonya Yoncheva will perform in a recital programme at the Berlin Staatsoper on Sep 1. (Photograph: Rolex)

These concerts involve approximately 100 artists whose work and lives have been affected past the pandemic, Rolex said in a statement. Each artist has been personally selected by i of the three Rolex Testimonees and violinist Renaud Capucon. All selected artists, who volition perform in a single concert, will exist remunerated, Rolex revealed.

Those exterior of Italy, Germany and France can catch the concerts on, a classic music streaming platform, available to over 180 countries, including Singapore. The concerts will be available online until the stop of Oct.

"During these difficult times, when musicians have suffered both the loss of audience and income, our aim is to provide them the opportunity to perform with renowned artists at prestigious venues with the finest acoustics," said Arnaud Boetsch, Managing director of Communication and Image at Rolex.

"By broadcasting the concerts via medici.television, a Rolex partner for over a decade, we are able to requite worldwide visibility to the artists supported by the initiative. Significantly, this gift of fourth dimension and exposure is in keeping with the company'south pursuit of excellence and its long-term commitment to foster the work of those who aim to reach the pinnacle of their profession," Boetsch continued.

"Last but not least, within the context of these unprecedented circumstances, this project is also a way for usa to help keep music an essential element in our daily lives."

"During these difficult times, when musicians have suffered both the loss of audience and income, our aim is to provide them the opportunity to perform with renowned artists at prestigious venues with the finest acoustics." – Arnaud Boetsch

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